by member Robin Predny
Member Robin Predny tells her story of tenacity in AwareNow Magazine's Beyond Stigma Campaign. 'Caught Through the Cracks' recounts the memories of her son Shane's breakdowns with schizophrenia and his journey through the criminal and mental health systems, calling others with loved ones in these positions to action.
by member Yiacha Provencher
Member Yaicha Provencher bravely shares her story in collaboration with AwareNow Media. Losing Everything: A Family Man Loses His Mind & Everything Else highlights the failures of Maine’s leadership and the mental health system to educate families, clinicians, and law enforcement on the use of a Progressive Treatment Program (Maine’s version of AOT) for treatment of those too sick to seek treatment on their own. Sadly, their entire family was failed, leaving “scars, heartache, and trauma.” by member and Arizona Mad Mom Christen White
Member and Arizona Mad Mom, Christen White, shares her son Matthew’s heartbreaking story, The Chance He Never Had. Matthew went from having a seamlessly normal life to one of chaos and loss when he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. This story once again emphasizes the failures of our current system throughout the country in treating those living with a serious mental illness, a treatable neurological brain disease. To read the article about NSSC Member Darrell Herrmann, follow this link.
To read the article written by NSSC Member Darrell Herrmann, follow this link.
To read the article LinkedIn published by NSSC member Darrell Herrmann, follow this link.