Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches podcast with Randye Kaye, Miriam Feldman, and Mindy Greiling interview NSSC member Eric Dias.
From the YouTube description: Eric J Dias is no stranger to the struggles people with addiction and severe mental illness experience. He has lived with schizoaffective disorder since he was a teenager. Eric has been a tireless advocate for people with SMI and their families. He writes about the many issues and emotions associated with SMI (Severe Mental Illness) in his novel, I Got Sober For This. In the story, he weaves the stories with issues that affect us all, especially when it comes to SMI - in our homes, the courts, the streets, AA meetings, detention centers, and the criminal justice system. He currently hosts a show for the National Shattering Silence Coalition’s YouTube Channel interviewing people with lived experience with mental illness, care givers, advocates and clinicians. We ask Eric about his story, his research, stigma, the need for community, and the power of hope in recovery. To watch the full interview, visit Randye Kaye's site here.